Last week was a hell, well at least for me. So here how it goes. Sleepless nights, endless browsing of notes, layers of eye-bag has shown (Okay, realize I'm exaggerating things but you know what I mean right?) I'm just to pissed of how school works. Not complaining though but sometimes it's just getting on my nerves on how many school stuffs has to be done. You can't blame me, as much as I love going to school, I hate doing a lot (LITERALLY!) of school related works especially when all the professors just throw all the activities in one day! Anyways, I know that everything happens for a reason.
I don't know want came up to me that I keep doing the "Peace Sign Pose" which I think is a lot cooler that doing some serious pose.
To end this post, I just want to say that I'm beyond happy that my blog has reach a 10K plus views and I know it's not as many like other bloggers but Hey! I have a low happiness HAHAHA! Thank you guys who ever read my random rants her on my blog!
Adorable..thats my princess..iloveu